Blogs . Articles . Podcasts . Press .
Blogs . Articles . Podcasts . Press .

PR News: Owning Up to DEI Failures
Kimfer was interviewed for PR News to chat about taking ownership of when an organization fails as at DEI.

I Feel My Color, I Am My Color: The profound words that gave meaning to an elusive idea
I am currently flying home back to Seattle after traveling to Detroit. I went to Detroit as a surprise visit to support my very close friend and colleague Michaela Ayers, the Founder of Nourish.

Beyond the Rainbow Glitter Parade: Intersection of #BlackLivesMatter and Pride
June 2020 will go down in history. There is no doubt about it. The 51st anniversary of Pride fell when the country is reeling from the murder of George Floyd at the hands of a white policeman, bringing a new urgency to the Black Lives Matter movement.

Equality versus Equity: Getting to Equal In light of International Women’s Day and COVID-19 Pandemic
In the past month, the question of “when you say equity, do you mean equality?” has been a question that has come up several times during a new project I’ve been working on. Many of you might already know my work is focused on the IDEA: Inclusion = Diversity + Equity + Accessibility to build culture (and brand) from the inside out, which means conversation regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is my daily norm.

Difference Between Representation and Exploitation is Authenticity
It’s a new year and the new year brings new marketing and ad campaigns into the world. Some good, some bad. Some represents diversity and inclusion while others exploits. One of them is the annual call for the Gerber Baby spokesbaby of the year. I had no idea this existed until several months ago when I came across the Gerber Baby spokesbaby of 2018, Lucas.

Lip Service to Diversity and Inclusion Makes Me Angry
Is it just me or are the words “Diversity and Inclusion” being thrown around like a fad, like the next new shiny thing for businesses? What I find interesting, or more like angry (and those who know me well will let you know I am not an angry person, nor do I often get angry) is that you can’t turn around without hearing it, reading it on social media or seeing a job posting for it.